Ongoing/upcoming teaching (Aalto Uni):
See "Publications tab" for some typed (rough) lecture notes.
Some seminars of interest:
- Aalto MathPhys Seminar (Tue 10-12)
- Helsinki MathPhys Seminar (Wed 14-16)
- Uni Bonn MathPhys Seminar (Mon 14:15-15:15)
- Online reading group: "Geometric quantization etc." (2021-2022)
Some past teaching (Aalto Uni 2021-2023):
- Brownian motion and stochastic analysis (2023)
- Stochastic processes (2022-2023)
- Brownian motion and stochastic analysis (2021)
Some past teaching (Uni Bonn, 2019-2021):
- Graduate Seminar: Markov paths, Occupation times, and Fields (2021)
- Algebraic and symplectic methods in mathematical physics (lectured by Dr. Gabriele Rembado, 2021)
- Introduction to Lattice Models (2021)
- Graduate Seminar: GMC and LQG (2020)
- Introduction to Schramm-Loewner Evolution (2019-2020)

Some past teaching (Uni Geneva, 2016-2019):
TA at Uni Geneva:
- Selected topics in complex analysis (2019)
- Laboratoire de programmation math (2018)
- Analyse I (2017-2018)
- Brownian motion and stochastic calculus (2017)
TA at the Uni Helsinki:
- Differential geometry and physics (2014)
Galois'n teoria (2011)
Algebra I (2011)
Differentiaaliyhtälöt I-II (2010)
Vektorianalyysi (2009)